Many judges, scholars, and legal commentators have written about legislative history and intent. Here is a selection of sources. Note: links from the titles go to Library catalog records, which often contain tables of contents.
Statutes and Statutory Construction, 7th ed. Thorough treatment of the topic.
KF425.S25 2018 at Reference Area & Westlaw
Statutory Interpretation: The Search for Legislative Intent.
KF425.B76 2002 at Reference Area
Statutory Interpretation Stories.
KF425.S73 2011 at Reference Area
Using Legislative History in American Statutory Interpretation.
KF425.M36 2002
Cases and Materials on Statutory Interpretation.
KF4945.E853 2020 at Classified Stacks
Statutory Interpretation.(University Casebook Series)
KF425.N45 2011 at Classified Stacks