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U.S. (Federal) Laws

Identifies and describes print and online sources of U.S. laws.

About Slip Laws

Recently enacted federal laws are first published individually as pamphlets called Slip laws.

The first page of a slip law provides its Public Law Number, date of enactment, original bill number and originating body (S. for Senate and H.R. for House of Representatives), and outline of sections.

The Public Law Number has two parts:

  1. The number of the Congress during which the law was passed (a bill passed during the 115th Congress would have a Public Law Number starting with 115)
  2. A second number representing its position in a chronological list of laws enacted during that specific Congress (the 38th law enacted during the 115th Congress would have a Public Law Number of 115-38)

Cited as Pub. L. No.

Slip Laws