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Washington State Historical Collections at Gallagher Law Library

Print and digital collections about the history of Washington State legal topics

Other Special Indexes

In addition to the Washington Bench and Bar Clippings, there are four other card files in the Reference Area that provide access to information about Washington lawyers and associations. Each file is arranged in alphabetical order by name. The Gallagher Law Library also has other sources for information about the Washington State legal community.

  • Index Photos Numerical. Refers to a collection of numbered photographs. Not retrievable at this time.
  • Indexed Biographies. Refers to sources other than the Washington State Bench and Bar Collection, including the Roll of Attorneys in Washington Reports
  • Bar Proceedings. Refers to Washington State Bar Association proceedings. Available in Classified Stacks:
    • Washington State Bar Association, Report of Proceedings (1894-1927), KF332.W3 W31 at Classified Stacks.
    • Washington State Bar Association, Proceedings (1930-1971), KF332.W3 W312 at Classified Stacks. (Note: proceedings were not produced after 1971.)
  • Vital Cases. Refers to defining Washington cases in the reporters (e.g., Washington Reports). Reporter volumes available in the Reference Area (and other locations). Check the Law Library catalog for the status of individual volumes.