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Washington State Constitution Research

State Constitutions

State Constitutions (Indiana University Maurer School of Law). Guide includes:

  • Instructions on where to find the texts of state constitutions (print and online).
  • Tips for current and historical research.
  • Information about researching revisions and amendments.
  • Links to sources for each state (use alphabetical directory or interactive map).

Center for State Constitutional Studies (Rutgers School of Law Camden).

NBER/University of Maryland State Constitution Project. Project, by Economics professor John Joseph Wallis, is "a portal to the texts of the state constitutions of the United States. There have been almost 150 state constitutions, they have been amended roughly 12,000 times, and the text of the constitutions and their amendments comprises about 15,000 pages of text." The search feature is still in development; eventually, researchers will be able to search for words or phrases across multiple states.

Individual states:

Washington State History

Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest (University of Washington History Department). Includes links to archives, databases, museums, and more. See Resources: Links and Resources: Research.

Legacy Washington (Washington Secretary of State) exhibit, 1889: Blazes, Rails and the Year of Statehood.