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Washington State Constitution Research

Introduction to Washington Constitutional Amendments

A constitution defines the relationship between a government and its citizens. Many constitutions within the United States are more than a century old. While core concepts might not change over the centuries, sometimes the legislature and the people need to amend the constitution to address modern concerns. In Washington, the amendment process must begin in the state legislature. Once an amendment has passed with a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate, the people of the state must vote in favor of it. You can read more about this process in Article XXIII, Section 1 of the Washington State Constitution. The people have amended the Washington State Constitution 109 times. The following is a list of those amendments, the legislative history behind them, and the voters' guides which include features like arguments for and against passing each amendment (when available).

In addition to the list below, you can review the various amendments using the Amendments to the Washington Constitution page from the University of Wisconsin's 50 Constitutions resource. The site's Tracking Constitutional Change feature also allows users to read the text of the Washington Constitution as it existed at any date in history and compare different versions of amended provisions over time.

Constitutional Amendments

Washington Constitutional Amendments, with legislative history, Amendments 1-84.
Amendment Article/Section Affected Topic History
1 Art. XVI, Sec. 5 Investment of School Fund 1893 Laws of Washington, P. 9 Section 1. Approved November, 1894.
2 Art. VI, Sec. 1 Qualifications of Voters 1895 Laws of Washington, P. 60 Section 1. Approved November, 1896. 
3 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Taxation 1899 Laws of Washington, P. 121 Section 1. Approved November, 1900.
4 Art. I, Sec. 11 Religious Freedom 1903 Laws of Washington, P. 283 Section 1. Approved November, 1904. 
5 Art. VI, Sec. 1 Qualifications of electors (women's suffrage) 1909 Laws of Washington, P. 26 Section 1. Approved November, 1910.
6 Art. III, Sec. 10 Vacancy in office of governor 1909 Laws of Washington, P. 642 Section 1. Approved November, 1910.
7 Art. II, Secs. 1, 21 Legislative powers, where vested 1911 Laws of Washington, P. 136 Section 1. Approved November, 1912.
8 Art. I, Secs. 33, 34 Recall of elective officers 1911 Laws of Washington, P. 504 Section 1. Approved November, 1912.
9 Art. I, Sec. 16 Eminent domain

1919 Laws of Washington, P. 385 Section 1. Approved November, 1920.

10 Art. I, Sec. 22 Rights of the accused

1921 Laws of Washington, P. 79 Section 1. Approved November, 1922. 

11 Art. VIII, Sec. 4 Money dispersed only by appropriations

1921 Laws of Washington, P. 80 Section 1. Approved November, 1922.

12 Art. XI, Sec. 5 County government 1923 Laws of Washington, P. 254 Section 1. Approved November, 1924. 
13 Art. II, Sec. 15 Vacancies in legislature

1929 House Joint Resolution No. 13, P. 689 Section 1. Approved November, 1930. 

14 Art. VII, Sec. 1 Taxation 1929 Laws of Washington, P. 499 Section 1. Approved November, 1930. 
15 Art. XV, Sec. 1 Harbor line commission

1931 Laws of Washington, P. 417 Section 1. Approved November, 1932. 

16 Art. XII, Sec. 11 Stockholder liability

1939 Senate Joint Resolution No. 8, p. 1024. Approved November, 1940.

17 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Taxation

1943 House Joint Resolution No. 1, P. 936. Approved November, 1944.

18 Art. II, Sec. 40 Highway funds 1943 House Joint Resolution No. 4, P. 938. Approved November, 1944. 
19 Art. VII, Sec. 3 Taxation of federal agencies and property

1945 House Joint Resolution No 9, P. 932. Approved November, 1946.

20 Art. XXVIII, Sec. 1 Compensation of state officers

1947 Senate Joint Resolution No. 4, P. 1371. Approved November 2, 1948.

21 Art. XI, Sec. 4 County government and township organization

1947 Senate Joint Resolution No. 5, P. 1372. Approved November 2, 1948.

22 Art. XI, Sec. 7 County officers limited to two terms (repeal)

1947 House Joint Resolution No. 4, P. 1385. Approved November 2, 1948.

23 Art. XI, Sec. 16 Combined city and county

1947 House Joint Resolution No. 13, P. 1386. Approved November 2, 1948.

24 Art. II, Sec. 33 Alien ownership

1949 Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, P. 999. Approved November 7, 1950. 

25 Art. IV, Sec. 3(a) Establishing retirement age for judges of supreme and superior courts

1951 House Joint Resolution No. 6, P. 960. Approved November 4, 1952.

26 Art. II, Sec. 41 Permitting the legislature to amend initiative measures

1951 Substitute Senate Resolution No. 7, P. 959. Approved November 4, 1952.

27 Art. VIII, Sec. 6 Extending bonding powers of school districts

1951 House Joint Resolution No. 8, P. 961. Approved November 4, 1952. 

28 Art. VIII, Secs. 6, 10 Increasing monetary jurisdiction of justice courts

1951 Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 13, P. 962. Approved November 4, 1952.

29 Art. II, Sec. 33 Alien Ownership

1953 Joint House Resolution No. 16, P. 853. Approved November 2, 1954. 

30 Art. II, Secs. 1, 1a Initiative and referendum petitions

1955 Senate Joint Resolution No. 4, P. 1860. Approved November 6, 1956. 

31 Art. III, Sec. 25 Qualifications, compensation, offices which may be abolished

1955 Senate Joint Resolution No. 6, P. 1861. Approved November 6, 1956. 

32 Art. II, Sec. 15 Vacancies in legislature and in partisan county elective office

1955 Senate Joint Resolution No. 14, P. 1862. Approved November 6, 1956. 

33 Art. XIV, Sec. 1 State boundaries

1957 Senate Joint Resolution No. 10, P. 1292. Approved November 4, 1958. 

34 Art. I, Sec. 11 Religious freedom

1957 Senate Joint Resolution No. 14, P. 1299. Approved November 4, 1958. 

35 Art. II, Sec. 25 Extra compensation prohibited

1957 Senate Joint Resolution No. 18, p. 1301. Approved November 4, 1958. 

36 Art. II, Sec. 1 Publication and distribution of voters' pamphlets

1961 Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, p. 2751. Approved November, 1962. 

37 Art. XXIII, Sec. 1 Publication of proposed constitutional amendments

1961 Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, p. 2753. Approved November, 1962. 

38 Art. IV, Sec. 2(a) Temporary performance of judicial duties

1961 House Joint Resolution No. 6, p. 2757. Approved November, 1962. 

39 Art. II, Sec. 42 Governmental continuity during emergency periods

1961 House Joint Resolution No. 9, p. 2758. Approved November, 1962. 

40 Art. XI, Sec. 10 City charters 1963 ex.s. Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, p. 1526. Approved November 3, 1964. 
41 Art. IV, Sec. 29 Election of superior court judges

1965 ex.s. Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 6, p. 2815. Approved November 8, 1966. 

42 Art. II, Sec. 33 Alien ownership (repeal)

1965 ex.s. Senate Joint Resolution No. 20, p. 2816. Approved November 8, 1966.

43 Art. IX, Sec. 3 Common school construction fund

1965 ex.s. Senate Joint Resolution No. 11, p. 2817. Approved November 8, 1966.

44 Art. XVI, Sec. 5 Investment of permanent school fund

1965 ex.s. Senate Joint Resolution No. 22, part 2, p. 2817. Approved November 8, 1966. 

45 Art. VIII, Sec. 8 Port expenditures to promote industrial or trade development

1965 ex.s. Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, p. 2819. Approved November 8, 1966.

46 Art. VI, Sec. 1A Voter qualifications for presidential elections

1965 ex.s. Substitute House Resolution No. 4, p. 2820. Approved November 8, 1966.

47 Art. VII, Sec. 10 Retired persons property tax exemption

1965 ex.s. House Joint Resolution No. 7, p. 2821. Approved November 8, 1966.

48 Art. VIII, Sec. 3 Publication of laws authorizing state debt

1965 ex.s. House Joint Resolution No. 39, p. 2822. Approved November 8, 1966.

49 Art. XXIX, Sec. 1 Investment of public pension funds

1969 Senate Joint Resolution No. 5, p. 2975. Approved November 5, 1968. 

50 Art. IV, Sec. 30 Authorizing state court of appeals

1969 Senate Joint Resolution No. 6, p. 2975. Approved November 5, 1968.

51 Art. VIII, Sec. 9 Providing for state building authority

1969 Senate Joint Resolution No. 17, p. 2976. Approved November 5, 1968. 

52 Art. II, Sec. 15; Art. XI, Sec. 6 Vacancy in legislative and county elective offices

1969 Senate Joint Resolution No. 24, p. 2976. Approved November 5, 1968. 

53 Art. VII, Sec. 11 Taxation based on actual use ("open space" amendment)

1969 House Joint Resolution No. 1, p. 1976. Approved November 5, 1968.

54 Art. XXX, Sec. 1 Authorizing compensation increase during term for officials who do not set own salary 1969 House Joint Resolution No. 13, p. 2976. Approved November 5, 1968. 
55 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Property taxation - one percent limitation

1971 Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, p. 1827. Approved November, 1972. 

56 Art. II, Sec. 24 Permitting authorization of lotteries

1971 Senate Joint Resolution No. 5, p. 1828. Approved November 7, 1972.

57 Art. IX, Secs. 5, 8 Setting of county officers' salaries

1971 Senate Joint Resolution No. 38, p. 1829. Approved November, 1972. 

58  Art. XI, Sec. 16 Combined city-county governments

1971 House Joint Resolution No. 21, p. 1831. Approved November, 1972.

59 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Changing excess levy election formula

1971 House Joint Resolution No. 47, p. 1834. Approved November, 1972.

60 Art. VIII, Secs. 1, 3 Changing constitutional debt limitation formula

1971 House Joint Resolution No. 52, p. 1836. Approved November, 1972.

61 Art. XXXI Sex equality- rights and responsibilities (Equal Rights Amendment)

1971 House Joint Resolution No. 61, p. 526. Approved November, 1972. 

62 Art. III, Sec. 12 Governor's veto power

1974 Senate Joint Resolution No. 140, p. 806. Approved November 5, 1974.

63 Art. VI, Sec. 1 Qualifications of electors (residency)

1974 Senate Joint Resolution No. 143, p. 807. Approved November 5, 1974. 

64 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Excess School Levies

1975-'76 2nd ex.s. Senate Joint Resolution No. 137, p. 518. Approved November 2, 1976.

65 Art. IV, Secs. 6, 10 Jurisdiction of superior courts, justices of the peace (district courts)

1977 Senate Joint Resolution No. 113, p. 1714. Approved November 8, 1977.

66 Art. XII, Sec. 18 Transportation rates

1977 House Joint Resolution No. 55, p. 1713. Approved November 8, 1977.

67 Art. XII, Sec. 14 Prohibitions against combinations by carriers (repeal)

1977 House Joint Resolution No. 57, p. 1714. Approved November 8, 1977. 

68 Art. II, Sec. 12 Sessions of legislature

1979 Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 110, p. 2286. Approved November 8, 1977. 

69 Art. II, Sec. 13 Legislators holding other offices

1979 Senate Joint Resolution No. 112, p. 2287. Approved November 6, 1979.

70 Art. VIII, Sec. 10 Allowing municipal utilities to help homeowners finance energy conservation measures

1979 Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 120, p. 2288. Approved November 6, 1979.

71 Art. IV, Sec. 31 Judicial Qualifications Commission

1980 Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 37, p. 652. Approved November 4, 1980. 

72 Art. II, Sec. 1 Certification of initiatives to Legislature

1981 Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 133, p. 1796. Approved November 3, 1981.

73 Art. XXXII, Sec. 1 Special revenue financing

1981 Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 7, p. 1794. Approved November 3, 1981.

74 Art. II, Sec. 43 Commission for redistricting of state legislative and congressional districts

1983 Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 103, p. 2202. Approved November 8, 1983. 

75 Art. XXIX, Sec. 1 Investment of state industrial insurance funds

1985 House Joint Resolution No. 12, p. 2398. Approved November 5, 1985. 

76 Art. VIII, Sec. 11 Agricultural commodity commissions

1985 House Joint Resolution No. 42, p. 2402. Approved November 5, 1985. 

77 Art. IV, Sec. 31 Judicial Qualifications Commission

1986 Senate Joint Resolution No. 136, p. 1532. Approved November 4, 1986. 

78 Art. XXVIII, Sec. 1 Authorizing independent commission to set salaries of legislators, judges, and other officials

1986 Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 49, p. 1529. Approved November 4, 1986. 

79 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Allowing school excess levies

1986 House Joint Resolution No. 55, p. 1530. Approved November 4, 1986.

80 Art. IV, Sec. 7 Allowing retired superior court judges to complete pending cases 

1987 Senate Joint Resolution No. 8207. p. 2815. Approved November 3, 1987. 

81 Art. VII, Sec. 1  

1988 House Joint Resolution No. 4222, p. 1551. Approved November 8, 1988.

82 Art. VIII, Sec. 10 Allowing local utilities to help owners of buildings and structure finance energy efficiency measures

1988 House Joint Resolution No. 4223, p. 1551. Approved November 8, 1988.

83 Art. VI, Sec. 3 Disqualification from elective franchise

1988 House Joint Resolution No. 4231, p. 1553. Approved November 8, 1988.

84 Art. I, Sec. 35 Crime victims' rights

1989 Senate Joint Resolution No. 8200, p. 2999. Approved November 7, 1989. 


Washington Constitutional Amendments, with legislative history, Amendments 85-107.

85 Art. IV, Sec. 31 Commission on Judicial Conduct

1989 Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 8202, p. 3000. Approved November 7, 1989.

86 Art. VIII, Sec. 10 Energy conservation assistance

1989 Senate Joint Resolution No. 8210, p. 3003. Approved November 7, 1989.

87 Art. IV, Sec. 6 Providing that superior courts and
district courts
have concurrent jurisdiction in equity

1993 House Joint Resolution No. 4201, p. 3063. Approved November 2, 1993.

88 Art. I, Sec. 11 Permitting municipalities and state agencies to employ chaplains

1993 House Joint Resolution No. 4200, p. 3062. Approved November 2, 1993.

89 Art. IV, Sec. 3 Revising size and leadership of the supreme court

Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 8210, 1995 Laws of Washington, p. 2905. Approved November 7, 1995.

90 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Allowing school levies for four-year periods

House Joint Resolution No. 4208, 1997 Laws of Washington, p. 3063. Approved November 4, 1997.

91 Art. VIII, Sec. 10 Authorizing public money derived from
the sale of stormwater or sewer services
to be used in financing stormwater and
sewer conservation and efficiency measures

House Joint Resolution No. 4209, 1997 Laws of Washington, p. 3065. Approved November 4, 1997.

92 Art. VIII, Sec. 1 Guaranteeing school district debt

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8206, 1999 Laws of Washington, p. 2387.
Approved November 2, 1999.

93 Art. XIX, Sec. 1 Investment of public pension or retirement
fund or industrial insurance fund

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8214, 2000 Laws of Washington, p. 1919. Approved November 7, 2000. 

94 Art. IV, Sec. 7 Exchange of judges, judges pro tempore

Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. 8208, 2001 Laws of Washington, p. 2327-28. Approved November 6, 2001.

95 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Limitation on levies

House Joint Resolution No. 4220, 2002 Laws of Washington, p. 2203. Approved November 5, 2002.

96 Art. II, Sec. 15 Vacancies in Legislative and Partisan County Elective Offices

House Joint Resolution No. 4206, 2003 Laws of Washington, p. 2819.
Approved November 4, 2003.

97 Art. IV, Sec. 31 Commission on Judicial Conduct

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8207, 2005 Laws of Washington, p. 2799-2800. Approved November 8, 2005.

98 Art. VII, Sec. 1 Personal Property Tax Exemption

House Joint Resolution No. 4223, 2006 Laws of Washington, p. 2117. Approved November 7, 2006.

99 Art. VII, Sec. 12 Budget stabilization count

Engrossed Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 8206, 2007 Laws of Washington, p. 3146-47.
Approved November 6, 2007.

100 Art. II, Sec. 29 Convict labor

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8212, 2007 Laws of Washington, p. 3143. Approved November 6, 2007.

101 Art. VII, Sec. 2 Limitation on levies

2007 Engrossed House Resolution No. 4204, p. 3143-45. Approved
November 6, 2007.

102 Art. XVI, Sec. 6 Investment of higher education permanent funds

Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 4215, 2007 Laws of Washington, p. 3145. Approved November 6, 2007.

103 Art. VIII, Sec. 1 State debt

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8225, 2010 Laws of Washington, p. 3129-32. Approved November 2, 2010. 

104 Art. I, Sec. 20 Bail, when authorized

Engrossed Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 4220, 2010 Laws of Washington, p. 3129. Approved November 2, 2010. 

105 Art. VI, Sec. 1A Voter qualifications for presidential elections (repealed)

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8205, 2011 Laws of Washington, p. 4281.
Approved November 8, 2011. 

106 Art. VII, Sec. 12 Budget stabilization account

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8206, 2011 Laws of Washington, p. 4281-83. Approved November 8, 2011.

107 Art. VII, Sec. 1 State debt

Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. 8221, 2012 Laws of Washington, p. 2429-32. Approved November 6, 2012.

108 Art. II, Sec. 43

Advancing the date of completion of redistricting


Senate Joint Resolution No. 8210. Approved November 8, 2016. 

109 Art. II, Sec. 42 Governmental continuity during emergency periods

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8200. Approved November 5, 2019