The Washington State Constitutional Law Project was initiated by the Washington Law Review in 2009. The editors scanned or obtained scans of many of the sources helpful in studying the development of the Washington State Constitution. In 2011, the Law Library developed this website to make the materials available to researchers.
People involved in this project include:
Constitutional convention group photo: Item Number AR-28001005-ph000003, Inauguration of Governor Ferry Photographs, 1889, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives (accessed Sept. 12, 2011). Original images held at the Washington State Archives, Olympia, WA.
Constitutional convention composite photo: Item Number AR-28001001-ph00278, General Subjects Photograph Collection, 1845-2005, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives (accessed Sept. 12, 2011). Original images held at the Washington State Archives, Olympia, WA. Same image,credited to photographer Merle Junk, available as Item Number AR-25501080-ph004713, Susan Parish Photograph Collection, 1889-1990.