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50-State / Multi-Jurisdiction Surveys

Foreign Laws

World map on wood with pushpins highlighting various cities

Photo Credit: Brett Zeck on Unsplash

Finding foreign law on a particular topic can be difficult, and trying to locate laws from multiple countries can be overwhelming. If you find yourself in this pickle, Multinational Sources Compared (co-authored by Gallagher Law Library's own Alena Wolotira) can be a real time saver. This resource allows you to browse by subject area or jurisdiction to locate just the right materials to assist with your research. Once you locate a resource that looks useful, search for it by title or ISBN in the library catalog to determine where you can find it. Multinational Sources Compared is available through the Gallagher Law Library in both print and online as outlined below.

Websites and publication from organizations that focus on the issue you're interested in can also be great resources. Below are a few examples of organizations that provide topic-specific compilations of the laws from multiple countries.

Foreign Constitutions and Constitutional Provisions

There are a number of both print and electronic resources that can help you locate constitutions from countries other than the United States.