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Genetics & the Law

Guide to support students in Genetics and the Law (Law H520) and Legal Ethical, And Social Issues in Public Health Genetics (Law H504, cross-listed in PHG, MHE, and HSERV).


Issues involving genetics can be found in many areas of the law, from employment discrimination to insurance to criminal procedure to international trade. Depending on your paper topic, you could use materials from almost any field. A student writing about paternity testing might focus on state law (perhaps considering some constitutional implications) while another student researches European Union and WTO law to examine the EU's ban on genetically modified corn. Meanwhile, a third student could be following the details of congressional efforts to regulate stem cell research.

Obviously, one guide cannot answer all the research questions all the students will have this quarter—but it will get you started. As you go along:

  • Remember that the Public Services staff is here to help you. You can email, chat, or set up an appointment.
  • Consider using some of our other guides.

Genetics Reference

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