Some carrels, seats and study rooms are reservable. Reservations can be made up to two weeks in advance via the "Reserve a Space" link on our homepage, or in the moment via the QR code posted by each seat. Individual reservations are limited to four hours and back-to-back reservations are permitted. To see a picture of a seat before you reserve it, click on the seat's listing on the reservation site.
Seats and Carrels:
Law Student Study Rooms:
Table Seats Large tables on both floors of the library, each with 3-4 individual seats for reservation. These are a great choice for those who want open space and natural light. To reserve a seat at a table, change the "Category" drop-down menu to "Tables" on the reservation site.
Carrel Seats Groups of carrels located throughout the library. The different spaces offer varying levels of natural light, privacy, and noise. Some do not have electricity. Carrels designated with an icon shaped like a plug have outlets.
Study Rooms Twelve study rooms available on L2. To reserve a study room, change the "Location" drop-down menu to "L2 Study Rooms" on the reservation site.
These color-coded maps show where the different seating areas are located in the library.