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United States Government Publications

Federal Depository Library Program

The Gallagher Law Library has been a selective depository for United States government publications since 1969. Our collection focuses on legal and law-related federal documents, including congressional materials, administrative regulations, administrative decisions, and presidential papers.

Government publications are integrated into the Library collection and are accessible through the online catalog. Most new government publications are available electronically although a few are also in print. Older publications may be in paper, microform, and/or available electronically.

If you need assistance in locating and retrieving government publications, regardless of format please ask. You can speak to a librarian at 206-543-6794 or use our email Ask Us! service.

Please see our hours page for current information about access to the Law Library facility for outside visitors. Additionally, King County Law Library remains open to in-person visitors at both their Seattle and Kent locations (M-F, 8-4:30). Access to KCLL is free, including use of Westlaw terminals and the in-person print collection.

Public access to government publications received through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is guaranteed by 44 U.S.C. § 1911.