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Diversity Readings Related to First-Year Courses


Frances Lee Ansley, Race and the Core Curriculum in Legal Education, 79 Cal. L. Rev. 1512 (1991), HeinOnline

Roots of title in the New World: pp. 1521-23

Slavery: pp. 1523-26

Race and the Constitution: pp. 1539-54

Cheryl I. Harris, Finding Sojourner's Truth: Race, Gender, and the Institution of Property, 18 Cardozo L. Rev. 309 (1996), HeinOnline.

Uses Sojourner's Truth's famous "Ain't I a Woman" speech as a jumping off point. Contrasts the legal status of enslaved black women (who were property and could not marry) with white women (whose property rights were limited by marriage law).

Patricia J. Williams, On Being the Object of Property, 14 Signs: J. Women in Culture & Soc'y 5 (1988), JSTOR excerpted in Feminist Legal Theory: Readings in Law and Gender 165-80 (Katharine T. Bartlett & Rosanne Kennedy eds., 1991), Classified Stacks (K644.Z9 F46 1991).

Enslaved People's Right to Property

Brian L. Frye, Invention of a Slave, 68 Syracuse L. Rev. 181 (2018)

Matt Novak, The Story of the American Inventor Denied a Patent Because He Was a Slave, Paleofuture (Aug. 28, 2018)

Rishi BatraImproving the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, 24 Geo. Mason LRev. 743 (2017). HeinOnline


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