Other libraries to visit:
UW Libraries Westlaw Campus Research is available to all UW Libraries borrowers from any UW Library. For more information, please see how to obtain a Borrower's Card and hours for UW Libraries locations.
King County Law Library Access is free, including the use of Westlaw terminals and in-person print collections.
- Seattle - 516 Third Ave., (206) 296-0940
- Kent - 401 Fourth Ave. N., (206) 205-2900
U.S. Courts Library located in the U.S. Courthouse in downtown Seattle - 700 Stewart Street, (206) 553-4475
Seattle Public Library - 1000 Fourth Avenue, (206) 386-4636 has some WA State legal materials (such as the RCW and WAC) and a good collection of U.S. government documents, including the Congressional Record and Congressional hearings and committee reports.
Washington State Law Library in Olympia
County law libraries are generally open to the public
Washington State Bar Association has a Lending Library for WSBA members, offering the short-term loan of books on topics related to practice management, wellness, and career development.