Call Number: Gallagher Law Library Reference Area KF250 .C46 2020
Publication Date: 2020
"uses genre discovery to teach students to guide themselves through the process of writing unfamiliar legal document types. . . . also teaches research and citation literacy as integrated parts of the writing process. For each legal genre covered in the book (e.g., memo, trial brief), . . . provides (1) three strong samples, (2) an analysis of the genre, and (3) specific questions to guide students as they study the samples." Includes "chapters on giving and receiving feedback-essential legal writing skills that novice lawyers often must teach themselves." -- Publisher
"The English language knows only two types of writing--good writing and bad writing. Good legal writing is good writing about a legal subject." Leading judges and lawyers deliver many of the lessons.
Ebook. Also available in print.
"This book provides a ten-step guide to clear, precise, and effective legal writing and analysis for both law students and experienced lawyers. It gives the keys to writing legal memoranda and briefs, organizing analysis, crafting clear and concise sentences, using legal language accurately, using grammar and punctuation properly, writing persuasively using classical rhetorical techniques." - Publisher
Ebook. Also available in print
"Legal Writing Style promotes the art of good writing by teaching students and practitioners the tools to make their prose clear, precise, simple, and forceful. With examples of what works and what doesn't, this short but comprehensive treatise provides an invaluable resource for recasting writing for maximum impact and ultimate success." - Publisher
Part I focuses on the academic legal writing skills needed to write in law school. Part II introduces students to common law and legal analysis.
Call Number: Gallagher Law Library Classified Stacks KF156 .R67 2019
Publication Date: 2019
The book is designed "especially for international lawyers and students who are not familiar with the US legal system and its vocabulary." -- Publisher
Covers formal vocabulary ("judiciary," "judicial," "justice," "adjudicate" - p. 98) and less formal but still important vocabulary ("hot-button issue" - p. 48). It also covers the structure of government and sources of law. How do you describe different opinions (majority, concurrence, etc.)? What is a "line of cases" or (for goodness' sake, "progeny")?
Call Number: Gallagher Law Library Reference Area KF250 .H637 2019
Publication Date: 2019
Offers practical guidance to non-U.S. lawyers on how to read, analyze, and write U.S. legal English. Author is both an attorney and a trained linguist.
Legal Writing Texts - Scholarly Writing
Our guide on writing for law reviews lists texts and articles with guidance for scholarly writing (whether or not you plan to publish it). See: