The journals below contain scholarly and practical articles about diverse aspects of legal writing and legal research. One journal (Perspectives) focuses primarily on theories and techniques for teaching legal writing and legal research—i.e., the pedagogy of legal writing and legal research. The other journals cover a range of topics and issues involved in various types of legal writing, such as persuasive briefs, predictive legal memos, and drafting contracts or statutes.
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Legal Communications & Rhetoric: JALWD [website] [HeinOnline] [Westlaw]
Published by the Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD)
From the ALWD website:
- The mission of ALWD "is to advance the study of professional legal writing and lawyering and to become an resource and a forum for conversation between the legal practitioner and the legal writing scholar."
- "The Journal is dedicated to encouraging and publishing scholarship (1) focusing on the substance and doctrine of legal writing. Legal writing is broadly defined to include many types of writing in a lawyering setting; (2) grounded in legal doctrine, empirical research, or interdisciplinary theory; and (3) accessible, helpful and interesting to all 'do-ers' of legal writing: attorneys, judges, law students, and legal academicians. Published articles are intended to reach all of those audiences."

Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute [website] [HeinOnline] [Westlaw]
Published by the Legal Writing Institute (LWI)
From the LWI website:
- "The goal of the Legal Writing Institute is to encourage a broader understanding of legal writing and the teaching of it."
- "The Legal Writing Institute established Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute in 1988 to showcase the developing discipline of legal writing. The Journal’s mission is to provide a forum for the publication of scholarly articles about the theory, substance, and pedagogy of legal writing. Unlike most law reviews, which are student-edited, the Journal is peer-reviewed. Our Editorial Board is composed of faculty from law schools across the country and includes some of the leading scholars and academics in the field of legal writing."

Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing [website] [HeinOnline] [Westlaw]
Published by Thomson Reuters
From the Perspectives website:
- "Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing is an electronic journal published by Thomson Reuters two times a year for legal research and writing instructors and law firm and law school librarians. The journal provides a forum for discussing the teaching of legal research and writing, focusing on research materials, tools and theories. Among the subjects frequently covered in Perspectives are trends in electronic legal research; solutions to legal research problems; and recently published legal research and writing resources."
- Sign up to receive a free subscription to Perspectives

Scribes Journal of Legal Writing [website] [HeinOnline] [Westlaw]
Published by Scribes—the American Society of Legal Writers
From the Scribes website:
- "The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing is a publication of Scribes—The American Society of Legal Writers."
- "The Journal publishes articles, essays, notes, and other pieces on all facets of legal writing. Our readers include lawyers, judges, academicians, writing instructors, and a wide range of others interested in improving legal writing."