Many people learn well from a video lesson. Watching a presentation, ideally with good graphics and examples, can make it easier to learn—especially when compared with a reading manual that you won't crack open. You can always combine a video overview with a deeper dive into a usage manual, or use a usage guide for reference.
UW users have access to LinkedIn Learning, a platform with thousands of training videos for professionals.
You can search the LinkedIn Learning by keyword to find individual videos, courses, or "learning paths," that combine several courses.
You can also create and share your own collections. This Writing & Editing collection includes videos on grammar, business email, proofreading, and editing.
If you're not already an ace with office applications, search for courses or learning paths for Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Gmail, and other apps.
TED Ed videos use clever animations to illustration lessons by educators. They're short—often just 2-3 minutes long. A few for writers:
Usage & Word Choice