Tribal Law and Order Act
In response to the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111-211 tit. II, 124 Stat. 2258, 2261, some tribal courts are changing their criminal procedure and expanding their criminal jurisdiction. Resources include:
Violence Against Women Act
Lora A. Kalber, The Invisible Elder: The Plight of the Elder Native American, 3 Marquette Elder's Advisor 46 (2001), [journal site]
Justin Siegler, Injustice in Indian Country: The Need for a Serious Response to Native American Elder Abuse, 19 Elder L.J. 415 (2012), [journal site]
The commission's website includes copies of compacts, tribal ordinances related to gaming, commission final decisions, and more.
Federal Overview
Washington State Overview
State Tax Issues
Federal Tax Issues
For federal tax issues, see M. Christian Clark, Analytical Research Guide to Federal Indian Tax Law, 105 Law Libr. J. 505 (2013).