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Law Library Student Services

Information for UW Law students about the services we offer.

Food, Drink & Restrooms

Restrooms are inside the library on L1 and L2. There are also restrooms just outside the library entrance on L1.


  • Drinking fountains are near each restroom, plus near the elevators on L1 and L2. You may have drinks in covered containers anywhere.
  • Water bottle filler filling station is near the Circulation Desk and elevators on L1.

Food in the library

  • Students are allowed to have light snacks at the tables and carrels. Please do not eat in the stacks where food could accidentally damage the collection.
  • Please try to avoid fragrant and noisy snacks. 
  • The Law Student Lounge (L113), L2 RSO Commons, and the Law Student Study Rooms are available for full meals.
  • Extra-hot water for tea and soups (be careful--it is HOT) in Law Student Lounge (L113)

Floor plan showing restrooms, lounge

Code of Conduct for Law Student 24/7 Access

1.  Use of the Law Library is a revocable privilege of being a current UW Law student. The library reserves the right to contact the Dean for Students for any violations of this Code. Contact the Dean for Students directly if you have questions about how to handle situations with other students.

2.  Questions about library access policy? Email the law library at

3.  UW Law ONLY: With the exception of brief public hours, the Law Library facility is restricted to current UW Law faculty, staff, and students. No outside visitors of any kind are permitted in the library space.

4.  Tap in: We want everyone in the library to feel safe. You must tap in individually with your Husky Card at the library's entrance. 

5.  Identification: To ensure the security of our space, library staff may ask to see your Husky Card and current year sticker or check your library account for your status.

6.  Gates Hall closed 1-6 am: Gates Hall is closed and inaccessible to outside entrants between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., but law students already in the building can remain in the building during that time. 

7.  Covered drinks, no food near books: Drinks must be in securely covered containers. Food is not permitted anywhere in the library within ten feet of library books. Please clean up all food messes. 

8.  Talk to library staff: The library's hours are posted here. You can contact us virtually via Gallagher chat, email or Zoom. If you contact us after business hours we will respond to you the next time we are open. If you are experiencing a safety issue, talk to staff during business hours. After hours, safety issues are covered by Rules 1 and 11. 

9.  Reserve a seat: Make a reservation to sit at a non-Reference table, carrel or study room. Study rooms are intended for group work. The Reference Area, designated L2 carrels, and soft seating are all available on a first come, first served basis.

10. Noise levels vary: Tables and carrels in the open library spaces on L1 and L2 should be quiet to allow for an atmosphere conducive to study. Speak in a low voice, silence your electronics, take phone calls elsewhere, and use headphones. The study rooms and Lounge are not sound-proofed. The Reference Area and the L2 Commons are better spaces for conversation and group work.

11.  Safety: Talk to library staff during business hours, or call 911 after hours if you have any security concerns. Campus police are available 24/7. For non-emergencies, call (206) 543-9331. In addition to police and fire department, the dispatcher can contact Physical Plant or whoever is needed for stuck elevators, malfunctioning plumbing, etc. Please do not call 911 if you have a dispute with a fellow student unless you are concerned for your safety. See Rule 1 re: issues with other students.

11.  Lights: If the lights are off when you come in you will need to turn them on. The switch is above the end of the Circulation Desk, just to your right as you walk in.

13.  Course Reserves: Course Reserves are library use only; consult policies here. Use the self-checkout terminals to check your book in/out. Reshelve it when you are finished. There is a 15-minute wait period between check-out of the same book. See Honor Code 2-210 below.

14.  Checking out library books: Use the self-checkout terminal at the Circulation Desk. Return non-reserve items to any library book drop (please do not check in and do not reshelve). 

15.  Keeping the space sanitary: Please recycle and get rid of your trash! If you need cleaning supplies, please ask at the Circulation Desk.

Hon. Code Sec. 2-210. A Student may not take, keep, misplace, or damage the property of the University or of another person if the law student knows or should reasonably know that the student would, by such conduct, obtain an unfair academic advantage. This section is intended to include, but not be limited to, materials in the Library of the School of Law. Other violations of library rules are not covered by the Code, but shall remain subject to the rule-making authority of the Law Librarian, the Dean or the Dean's delegate, or such person or body at the University empowered to deal with violations of library rules.

Library Maps