Diversity issues are not restricted to specialized courses like Civil Rights, Feminist Jurisprudence, or Disability Law & Policy. They are present throughout the curriculum, including in foundational courses like Contracts and Civil Procedure. To assist students and faculty who want to explore these areas, the Dean's Advisory Committee on Diversity (now the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee) requested a list of readings to highlight how issues of race, class, sex, and sexuality can arise in traditional first-year courses.
Separate pages in this guide address different courses, such as Civil Procedure and Torts. See the navigation bar on the left.
Many articles will be available in several places
None of these lists is comprehensive. If you would like to suggest another reading, please send a note to whisner [at] uw.edu.
Photo: books on four shelves in the law library. To browse the books in person, start at KF4755 in the Classified Stacks.
Elizabeth A. Reese, The Other American Law, 73 Stan. L. Rev. 555 (2021), [journal site]
Ignoring or siloing the laws and experiences that come from tribal governments presents an incomplete and incorrect picture of America and its laws. If American legal scholars want to understand, learn from, and evaluate American law, we must include all of America’s laws.
Id. at 559 (footnote omitted).
The Law Stories series provides context for and commentary on cases (and other developments) often studied in law school courses. Most contributors are law professors.
The series is available online to UW Law students via the West Academic Study Aids package.
Volumes specifically addressing topics related to diversity are listed here. But almost any volume—whether Corporate Law Stories or Civil Procedure Stories—will have at least some chapters that explore how the law affects race, sex, class, sexual identity, or religion.
Annette Demers, Cultural Competence and the Legal Profession: An Annotated Bibliography of Materials Published between 2000 and 2011, 39 Int'l J. Legal Info. 22 (2011), HeinOnline.