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Index to UW School of Law Indian Law Symposia & Conferences, 1987-2014

Indexes annual conferences by case, law, presenter name, subject, and tribe

About the Presenters Index

This index is by name of the presenters at the symposia and conferences.

Years refer to the annual Indian Law symposia materials. Years followed by "EW" refer to Eastern Washington Indian Law Conference materials.

You can find these materials in the Gallagher Law Library:

  • Indian Law Symposia: Classified Stacks at KF8224.C6W47 [year]
  • Eastern Washington Indian Law Conference: Classified Stacks at KFW505.A7E58 [year]

Presenters Index: A - C

Albright, Cory: 2012

Allston, Karen: 2005

Amos, Adell: 2006

Anderson, Robert T. : 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2004EW, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998

Andrews, Tom: 2008

Andrews, Scott: 2011

Arnett, Howard: 2002, 20002

Aronson, Robert H. ,1998

Aschenbrenner, Lawrence A.: 1990, 1997

Aycock, Steven D.: 2005

Back, William: 2011

Barsh, Russel L.: 2005, 1992, 1991, 1990

Battuello, Kate: 2004

Bell, Douglas L.: 1993

Bell, John: 2007

Bergstrom, Scott: 2008

Biggs, Arthur: 1992

Bob, Diana: 2013

Bodi, Lori: 2001

Bowen, Jim: 1994

Bowman, Kathleen: 2002

Boyles, Kristen: 2004

Brandon, Barry: 2014, 2000

Brewer, Tim: 1997

Bridge, Bobbe: 2010

Brodoff, Lisa: 2001

Brooks, Allyson: 2008

Bucher, Jennifer D.: 2003

Busch, Russ: 2005, 1994

Bush, Judith K.: 2001, 1998

Butterfield, Mark: 2001

Cameron, James F.: 1998

Cantrell, Shawn: 2001

Case, David: 1990

Chambers, Reid Peyton: 1989

Christie, Gordon: 2004

Christie, Thomas W.: 2003

Chutkow, Mark: 2000

Cohan, Molly: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2006

Cohon, Keith E.: 2013

Combs, Mariel J.: 2013

Conrad, Jill A.: 2002

Corowell, Scott: 1998

Costello, Robert K.: 2006, 2000, 1998

Cottingham, Susan: 2008

Cox, Michael D.: 1993, 1991

Croman, Kelly: 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2001

Crowell, Scott: 1997

Cuny, Carolyn: 1996

Cushman, Leslie: 2005

Presenters Index: D - F

Dallaire, Greg: 2003

Darm, Donna: 2001

Deardorff, Leroy: 2000

DeCora, Lisa M.: 2001

DeCoteau, Jerilyn: 2003, 2001

Dermmert Michelle: 2014, 2008, 2004EW

Didesch, Bruce E.: 2000, 1994, 1992, 1991, 1988

Dorsay, Craig J.: 2001, 1996, 1990

Dossett, John: 2014

DuBey, Richard A.: 1998

Dunshee, Hans: 2001

Dupris, Anita: 2010

Eberhard, Eric D.: 2006, 2005, 2003, 1998, 1997, 1996

Echohawk, John: 2000

Echo-Hawk, Lael: 2013, 2009, 2007, 2006

Echo-Hawk, Walter R.: 2003

Edmonds, Jamie R.: 2004EW

Elofson, Robert: 2011

Ende, Douglas: 2014, 2010

Endreson, Douglas B.L.: 2003

Fiander, Jack: 2004EW, 2000

Fineday, Anita: 2012, 2001

Finkbonner, Raynette L.: 1993

Foster, Alix: 1999

Frank, Billy: 2000

Frymire, William C.: 2004

Presenter Index: G - J

Galanda, Gabriel S.: 2008, 2003

Garber, Bart: 1991

Garber, Kari Bazzy: 1996

Gates, Deborah W.: 1998

Geck, Jay: 1998

Getches, David H.: 1997, 1988

Gillette, Jodi: 2014

Goldberg-Ambrose, Carole: 1997

Goldman, Jonah: 2004

Goltz, Jeffrey D.: 1988

Goodman, Edmund Clay: 2013

Gottesman, Dan: 1991

Gottleib, Daniel S.: 1989

Gover, Kevin: 1987

Grant, Harry Edward: 2001

Greene, Bruce R.: 1999, 1991

Greenberg, Craig D.: 1998

Greenwald, Emily: 2005

Grossman, Michael S.: 2011, 2007

Guest, Richard: 2000

Halverson, Lowell K.: 1991

Hammond, Allen: 2014

Harlan, Annie: 2010, 2006

Harmon, Sasha: 1990

Harper, Keith: 2000

Harte, John: 2000

Hassett, Steve: 2001

Heffernan, Jim: 2014

Heinith, Bob: 2001

Hepfer, Russell N.: 2001

Hershey, Robert: 1987

Hester, Daniel W.: 1999

Hill, Kathy: 1997

Hill, Margo: 2001

Huber, Sheila: 2012

Hunn, Eugene: 2005, 1994

Hutchinson, Emily: 2010

Hutchison: 2008

Jackson, Michael A.: 1993

Jaquette, William: 2005

Jarboe, Mark A.: 1999

Johnsen, Harry (Skip) L.: 2006, 2001, 1993

Johnson, James S.: 2002, 1997, 1992, 1988, 1987

Jordan, Laurie: 2007

Juarez, Debora G.: 2008, 2006

Juliano, Ann: 2001

Presenter Index: K - M

Kane, Julie: 2011, 2006, 2001

Katzen, Phillip: 2007, 2005, 2000, 1990

Kebler, Julie: 2009

Kelley, Colleen A.: 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1989

Kendall-Miller, Heather: 2013

Kennedy, Millie A.: 2013

Kennedy, Ruth: 1999

Kenworthy, Mary Anne: 2010, 2005, 2004

Kiga, Fred: 2001

King, Bruce A.: 2006

Kipnis, Brian C.: 2010, 2006

Kunesh, Patrice: 2012, 2011

Lee, Amanda: 2014

Leeds, Stacy L.: 2002

Lehman, Russ: 2004, 1994

Leonhard, M. Brent: 2014

Lewis, Rodney: 1987

Lirhus, Albert: 1996

London, Tate: 2014, 2013, 2011, 2008

Luna, Douglas W.: 1991

Lynch, Stephanie: 2010

Lyon, Kevin: 2011

Mackie, Edward B.: 2007, 1992

Maloney, Ted: 1990

Marcaro, John L.: 2009

Markham, Barbara: 2009

Masse, Christine: 2013

McAllister, Richard: 2011, 2008, 2000, 1994

McCarthy, Robert: 1997

McCarthy, Sabrina A.: 2005, 2000

McCoy, Hon. John: 2012

McCoy, Jonathan: 1991

McCoy, Melody: 2003, 1996

McDonald, Patricia: 2001

McGaw, Kyme: 1994

McKay, Michael D.: 2000

McNeil, Chris E.: 1989

McPherson, Robin: 2013

Mecham, Duane: 2010

Miller, Lee Ann: 1990

Mirande, Michael: 2004

Monson, Peter C.: 2003

Montoya-Lewis, Raquel: 2011, 2010

Morisset, Mason: 2009, 2007, 2004

Moran, William Joseph: 2004EW

Morris, David: 2001

Munson, Myra: 1996

Murakami, Alan T.L.: 1992

Presenter Index: N - S

Nash, Doug: 2001

Nelson, Siri C.: 2007

Nicolas, Peter: 2001

 O'Brien, Allison: 2014

O'Connell, Michael P.: 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1989, 1987

O'Hara, Kerry: 2004

O'Leary, Gregory M.: 1990

Osborn, Rachael Paschal: 2008, 2004EW

Otsea, Robert L., Jr.: 2005, 2002, 1998, 1988, 1998

Panesko, Joseph: 2010

Pape, Arthur: 1992

Paschal, Rachael: 1997, 1994, 1990

Paterson, David: 1991

Pavel, Mary J.: 2014, 2013, 2005

Perry, Annie: 2014

Peterson, Lynn: 2010

Peterson, Vernon: 2006, 2000, 1991

Petosky, Michael: 2009

Point, Steven: 1994

Pommersheim, Frank: 2010

Pouley, Theresa: 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2002

Powell, Kelly: 2011

Preston, Anne F.: 1999

Raas, Daniel A.: 2007, 2002, 1989

Reich, Richard: 1999

Reichman, Alan: 2008

Reynoso, Monica: 2008

Repp, Julianna: 2008, 2003, 2002

Robinson-Dorn,Michael: 2004

Rodgers, Bill: 2013, 2007, 2003, 2001, 2009

Ross, Gyasi: 2004

Rossetti, Michael: 2004

Royder, Scott: 2000

Rush, Stuart A.: 1998, 1994, 1989

Sachse, Harry: 1988

Sage, Rachel: 2013

Salter, Richard: 1989

Sanders, Allen: 1997

Sanders, Douglas E.: 1991

Schlosser, Thomas P.: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1989

Schuster, Jeffrey S.: 2008, 2005, 1993

Sears, Sheri: 2014

Settler, Randy: 2001

Settles, Shelby: 2002

Shannon, Lee K.: 2009, 2002

Shishido, Alan: 2006

Shishido, Nolan: 2010

Simmons, David: 1996

Simpson, Danny: 2007

Sledd, John: 2013, 2004EW, 2003, 2001

Slonim, Marc D.: 2010, 2008, 2005, 1999

Smiskin, Harry: 2012

Smith, Rob Roy: 2008

Smitch, Curt: 2001

Solomon, Shirley: 1988

Sotomish, Sara Colleen: 1996

Spencer, Helen: 2012, 1996, 1990

Spitzer, Hugh: 2002, 1999

Stay, Alan C.: 2007, 2006, 2003, 2000, 1996, 1990

Strait, John: 1994

Stiffarm, Denise L.: 2007

Strickland, Rennard: 1997, 1991

Suagee, Stephen H.: 2011, 2007

Presenter Index: T - Z

Taylor, Michael: 2012, 2011, 2007, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1997, 1994, 1992, 1990, 1987

Tennyson, Mary: 2006

Thatcher, Terence C.: 1989

Theriault, Sophie: 2004

Thomas, Pilar: 2010

Thompson, Andrew: 1992

Thorp, Michael: 2007

Tomkins, Cynthia: 2008

Tompkins, Jill: 2009, 2003

Tso, Tom: 1987

Tufts, Cathern E.: 2004EW

Tweedy, Ann: 2004

Ullman, Carl (Bud): 1993

Vogel, David S.: 1999

Vogt, Anita: 1992

Vyvyan, Dawn: 2012, 2006, 1997

Waldo, James C.: 1991, 1988

Washburn, Kevin: 2014

Weaver, Timothy R.: 2007, 2001, 1989

Wells, LynDee: 2007, 2004, 2001, 2000

Whiteing, Jeanne: 2011, 2008, 1994

Whitener, Ron: 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2005, 2004, 1998

Whitlam, Rob: 2001

Wilkinson, Charles: 1997

Williams, Brenda: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Williams, Robert: 1992

Williams, Susan M.: 2000, 1998

Wilson, Mary Sue: 2005

Winter, Brian: 2001

Wishik, Laura: 2006

Wolfley, Jeannette: 2003

Woo, Ye-Ting: 2014

Woods, Fronda: 2013, 2011, 2008, 2007, 2003

Work, Shannon: 2008

Yogi, Jennifer: 2010

Zaferatos, Nicholas: 1988

Zell, Patricia M.: 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2005, 2004, 1993, 1991

Ziontz, Alvin J.: 2007, 1989