The list of statutes includes only those statutes that have appeared in the presentation titles or in the first few pages of the presentation handouts. Federal law links go to the Cornell Legal Information Institute, which provides an online version of the current U.S. Code. Washington law links go to the Legislature's website.
Years refer to the annual Indian Law symposia materials. Years followed by "EW" refer to Eastern Washington Indian Law Conference materials (2003 and 2004).
You can find these materials in the Gallagher Law Library:
U.S. Const. art. IV, § 1. (Full Faith and Credit Clause): 1987 p.339
16 U.S.C. §§ 668aa to 668cc-6 (2000). (Endangered Species Conservation Act): 1997
16 U.S.C. §§ 1531 et seq. (2000). (Endangered Species Act): 1997
17 U.S.C. § 7871(f): 2009
18 U.S.C. §§ 841 et seq. (2010) (P.L. 111-211) (Tribal Law and Order Act): 2012, 2010
18 U.S.C. §§ 1161-1162, 25 U.S.C. §§ 1321-1322, 28 U.S.C. § 1360 (1994). (Public Law 83-280): 2012, 2011, 2003EW, 1991 ch.10
18 U.S.C. § 1361 (2014). (Speedy Trial Act of 1974): 2014
25 U.S.C. § 81 (2000). (Contracts and agreements with Indian tribes): 1994 ch.C; 1989 p.243
25 U.S.C. §§ 161a, 162a, 4001, 4001 note, 4011, 4012, 4021-4029, 4041-4046, 4061 (2000). (American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act): 2000
25 U.S.C. § 177 (2000). (Purchase or grants of land from Indians): 1989 p.243
25 U.S.C. §§ 331-333, 348, 372, 373, 396 note, 464, 2201, 2204-2207, 2212-2219 (2000). (Indian Land Consolidation Act Amendments): 2001
25 U.S.C. §415 (Indian Long Term Leasing Act of 1955): 2013
25 U.S.C. §§ 450 et seq. (Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act): 2005, 2003
25 U.S.C. § 465 (2004) (Acquisition of lands, water rights or surface rights): 2004
25 U.S.C. §§ 1301 et seq. (2000). (Indian Civil Rights Act): 2014, 2003; 1997; 1989 p. 94
25 U.S.C. §§ 1801-1882 (Magneson Fishery Conservation and Management Act): 2009
25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963 (2000). (Indian Child Welfare Act): 2012, 2008, 2001; 1996; 1990 pgs.349, 350, 403
25 U.S.C. §§ 2701-2721 (2000). (Indian Gaming Regulatory Act): 2013, 2012, 2004, 1994 ch.K; 1993 ch.A; 1992 ch.C; 1991 chs.11, 12, 13, 14; 1989 p.94
25 U.S.C. §§ 3001 (2005). (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act): 2008, 2005
25 USC §4101 (Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act of 1996): 2013
28 U.S.C. § 1738 (1994). (State and Territorial statutes and judicial proceedings; full faith and credit): 1987 p.339
29 U.S.C. §§ 151 et seq. (National Labor Relations Act): 2004, 2003
33 U.S.C. §§ 1151 et seq., §§ 1251 et seq. (1994). (Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act)): 2008, 2000
42 U.S.C. §§ 1381-1383d (Title XVI of Social Security Act): 2011
42 USC §1437A (US Housing Act of 1937): 2013
42 U.S.C. §§ 7661 et seq. (Clean Air Act): 2011
43 U.S.C. §§ 1601-1628 (1994). (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971): 2013c, 1989 p. 217
Columbia River Treaty, 15 U.S.T. 1555, T.I.A.S. No. 5638 (entered into force Jan. 22, 1964): 2014
Colville Tribal Law and Order Code, 4 Natural Resources and Environment ch. 10 (2001): 2013
Cross Border Reservation Drug Trafficking Sentencing Enforcement Act of 2009, S.2893 (Dec. 16, 2009): 2013
Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2013, S. 919 (May 9, 2013): 2013
Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act, Pub. L. No. 102-495, 106 Stat. 3173 (1992) (codified in scattered sections of 16 U.S.C.): 2012
Fair Employment Practices Code, Ord. 05-600-03 (Jul. 28, 2010): 2013
Federal Water Power Act, 41 Stat. 1063: 2004
Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act, 126 Stat 1150, Pub. L. 112-151 (2012). 2013
Indian Probate Reform Act of 2004: 2004EW
Navajo Nation Code, Title 7 Courts and Procedure §§ 253 and 253a: 2010
Navajo Preference in Employment Act, 15 N.N.C. §601 (amended 1990): 2013
Puyallup Tribal Code 5.12.715 (Dec. 6, 2012): 2013
Treaty with the Dwamish Indians, 12 Stat 927 (1859): 2013
Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010: 2014, 2010
Tulalip Tribal Code, 3.55.070 (Jan. 8, 2010): 2013
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, S.47 (2013): 2014, 2013
Washington Initiative 502 (Jul. 8, 2011): 2013
Washington State Courts, Court Rules – Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information (2011): 2013
Washington State Courts, Court Rules – Rule 4.1 Truthfulness in Statements to Others (2006): 2013
Washington State Courts, Court Rules – Rule 4.2 Communication with Person Represented by Counsel (2006): 2013
Washington State Courts, Court Rules – Rule 4.3 Dealing With Unrepresented Person (2006): 2013
Washington State Courts, Court Rules – Rule 8.4 Misconduct (2006): 2013
Wash. Rev. Code §10.92.010 – 020 (2011): 2013
Wash. Rev. Code 26.27 et seq.: 2008
Wash. Rev. Code 27.44.020-27.44.050 (2000). (Indian Graves Protection Act): 2008, 2000
Wash. Rev. Code 35.82.210 (property tax exemptions for tribes): 2005
Wash. Rev. Code Title 51 (workers' compensation insurance): 2002
Wash. Rev. Code §58.17.110 (1995): 2013
Wash. Rev. Code §90.03 (1917): 2013
Wash. Rev. Code §90.14 (1967): 2013
Wash. Rev. Code §314.55.015 (Nov. 21, 2013): 2013
Wash. Rev. Code §314.55.020 (May 16, 2013): 2013