The UW offers a wide range of health and wellness services, from exceptional medical care and counseling services to recreation classes, safety resources, peer advocates, trainings and more.
This page provides UW resources outside of UW Law and provides information on specific campus resources for community-building, mental health and safety.
UW Law puts an emphasis on the health and well being of our students, staff, and faculty. These resources are provided to give members of our community the support they need to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Office of Law Student Life
Contact the Office of Law Student Life at for general questions about student life (support referrals, wellbeing resources, student organizations, etc.).
This website provides victims of sexual violence with important online resources that reflect the UW’s commitment to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, relationship violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment.
The Livewell Confidential Advocates provides a safe and confidential space to help students, faculty and staff identify what they want or need after an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking or sexual harassment has occurred. University of Washington students may contact the Health & Wellness Advocate via telephone at 206-685-HELP (206-685-4357) or email at
Title IX, Washington State law, and University of Washington policy prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) identity. This page provides links to additional information and ways to make a report.
Free, drop-in visits for students with experienced counselors. Talking with a counselor can help provide insight, solutions and information about other resources.
Professionally support resource, advocacy, and mentoring center for queer and questioning students of all identities at UW. Dedicated to facilitating and enhancing a brave, affirming, liberatory, and celebratory environment for UW students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual and gender orientations, identities, and expressions.
Offers programs including alcohol & drug counseling, suicide intervention, sexual assault & relationship violence education and prevention, and student care programs
Located in 210 Poplar Hall, the UW Food Pantry provides UW students, staff and faculty with shelf-stable groceries and seasonal fresh produce for no cost. Proof of Husky ID (photo is acceptable) is required to shop.
Founded under the name GO-MAP in 1970, GSEE's events and programming are geared towards graduate students of color, but are are open to all University of Washington graduate students, faculty and staff, especially those interested in supporting and increasing a racially diverse graduate student population.